About Biojobz

Biojobz is India’s industry leader in “Executive Search” & recruitment for Biotech & Pharmaceutical industry.

The year was 2007, India had ridden the IT wave, services having done their huge part. The beckoning was for an Economic wave stronger and surer. The Pharmaceutical industry was beginning to unfold the next likely wave. The promise of new jobs, revitalising an economy that was beginning to attract global attention, the excitement was palpable.

The sense of novelty being both invigorating and at the same time it was also puzzling. A lack of prior experience in meeting the emerging challenges was also beginning to show, the road ahead seemed a challenges with no qualifiable support from retrospection. The challenges were unique as compared to the earlier IT wave where infrastructure, a commercial reason and an overcomable reason was the primary challenge. For the budding Pharmaceutical industry it was talent or more specifically “Scientific Talent” that seemed the most daunting hurdle.

Dr Ganesh Nikam, a qualified MBBS and a post graduate in Human Resources, was finding himself in the centre of this emerging industry. With 5 year of experience in hiring very complex scientific talent, Dr Ganesh Nikam observed the gap in the talent matrix. He sought to bridge this gap, thus was Biojobz.

Created on the premise of solving a problem of new, it required a never done before approach in almost every sense. This solutioning mode is central and deep even it today’s context and with no doubt it will continue…

Serving industry leaders over a decade for Scientific & Niche talent created a brand of reliability, knowledge and delivery. To know more about visit “Speciality”.

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